[R] Monotone Transformation

Feng Jingyu FengJin at BATTELLE.ORG
Fri Apr 17 20:22:01 CEST 2009

Hi, I am trying to use R to mimic what I did in SAS.

proc transreg data=x ;
	model identity(GSI)=monotone(group1);
             output out=d2 pprefix=M;

Accroding to SAS documentation, the MONOTONE transfomation algorithm comes
from (Kruskal 1964, secondary approach to ties). I have tried ace. it does
provide some kind of monotone transformation, but it is not what I expected.

Here is how sas output look like:

Obs      GSI        TGSI     group1    Tgroup1

 1     0.81301    0.81301       1      1.55594
 2     0.79359    0.79359       2      1.55594
 3     1.26900    1.26900       3      2.59702
 4     2.02680    2.02680       4      4.29111

group1 is the inital value. Tgroup1 is the monotone transformed value.

Here is how Transformed value output from ace:

[1,] -0.5698602
[2,] -0.1899534
[3,]  0.1899534
[4,]  0.5698602

Does anybody have any idea whether I could do the similar thing in R? If I
can do it, which function I should use?

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