[R] SAS-like cluster statistics for ward's minimum variance method

Katell.Hamon at ifremer.fr Katell.Hamon at ifremer.fr
Fri Apr 17 04:23:15 CEST 2009

Hi all,

I am looking for an easy way to compute statistics out of my cluster 
analysis using ward's method. Ideally it would be a table like that one 
with various validation statistics for the last few number of clusters.
The diagnostic I'm the more interested in is the R-squared which 
represents the variance explained.

Is there a function doing this directly?
If not, Is there a way to convert the height into R^2 and an easy way 
to extract the height for each number of cluster?

Thanks in advance,

Katell Hamon
Ph.D. Student
TAFI – University of Tasmania / CSIRO / IFREMER Dpt of Marine Economics

Marine Research Laboratories, Nubeena Crescent, Taroona, TAS 7053
Email: Katell.Hamon at ifremer.fr Tel. (TAFI) (+61) 03 6227 7225
Tel. (CSIRO) (+61) 03 6232 5486
Mob.(+61) 04 3735 3067

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