[R] splitting vector into equal sets

utkarshsinghal utkarsh.singhal at global-analytics.com
Thu Apr 16 15:23:15 CEST 2009

Hi R,

I have explored R archives a lot but couldn't find an efficient way of 
doing the following:

I want to split a vector into sets of equal sizes. Is there any inbuilt 
function of doing so with the option of specifying how to treat the 
remaining observations. For example: suppose I want to split 20 
observations in 3 groups, then I also want the option to put the extra 
two observations into the 1st group or the last group or one in each 
group starting from 1st or starting from last.

I have already tried the "cut" & the "quantcut" function but of no use.
Any help will be appreciated. Note that I am looking for an R function 
rather than lines of code.


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