[R] Sweave and executive summaries

Dieter Menne dieter.menne at menne-biomed.de
Thu Apr 16 08:10:48 CEST 2009

 <Karen_Byron <at> bd.com> writes:

>    I'm learning to use R/Sweave/LaTeK to write my stat reports.  Is there a way
>    to  have  an executive summary in the beginning while still having the
>    analysis  code  embedded?  

Thanks to Ulrich Dietz from the German latex forum, I have an excellent
solution that can write summaries (for the top) and appendixes. It
is pure latex, but it main power comes when using it with rnw/Sweave.


The idea is to have sections that are written out to a file similarly
to bibtex, and are collected later. You can download a minimal self-
running example from


(Make sure that you do not ask any more latex related questions here, 
you are running the risk of receiving a flame mail by higher authorities)

% -------- incomplete example -----

\section{first section}
First paragraph.

\printsummary % Does what is says

cat("This is main text")

\begin{appendx} % appendix was taken
cat("This goes to appendix")

cat("This goes to summary")

cat("Another  main text")


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