[R] Split string
Gabor Grothendieck
ggrothendieck at gmail.com
Wed Apr 15 14:43:30 CEST 2009
Using string from another responder's post here are two
1. The first converts to numeric and manipulates that:
cbind(part1 = floor(as.numeric(string)), part2 = 100 * as.numeric(string) %% 1)
2. The second uses strapply from the gsubfn package.
It matches from the beginning ( ^ ) a string
of digits ( [0-9]+ ) followed by a dot ( [.] ) followed by a string of digits
to the end ( $ ) or ( | ) an NA possibly surrounded with spaces
( *NA * ) and concatenates the result into a vector ( c ) and
simplifies all that by rbind'ing that together. We still have character
data so in the second line we make it numeric:
s <- strapply(string, "^([0-9]+)[.]([0-9]+)$|^ *NA *$", c, simplify = rbind)
apply(s, 2, as.numeric)
On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 4:02 AM, Peter Kraglund Jacobsen
<peter at kraglundjacobsen.dk> wrote:
>> (FICB[,"temp"])
> [1] "0.30" "0.55" "0.45" "2.30" "0.45" "0.30" "0.25" "0.30" "0.30"
> "1.05" "1.00" "1.00"
> [13] "0.30" "0.30" "0.30" "0.55" "0.30" "0.30" "0.30" "0.25" "1.00"
> "0.30" "0.30" "0.45"
> [25] "0.30" "1.30" "0.30" "0.30" "0.45" "0.30" "0.30" "0.30" " NA"
> "NA" " NA" " NA"
> [37] "0.30" " NA" "0.30" "0.30" "0.30" "0.30" " NA" " NA" "0.35"
> "NA" "0.35" "0.30"
> [49] "0.30" "0.40" " NA" "0.40" "0.30" " NA" "0.30" "0.30" "0.30"
> "0.30" "0.45" "0.30"
> [61] "0.30" "0.30" "0.30" "0.50" "0.30" "0.30" "0.45" "0.30"
> How do I output the number to the left of "." to variable X and the
> two numbers to the right of "." to variable Y?
> FICB[,"x"] <- substr(FICB[,"temp2"],1,1)
> Works, but
> FICB[,"y"] <- substr(FICB[,"temp2"],3,2)
> only returns "". temp is class character.
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