[R] Comparing two regression line slopes
Arien Lam
a.lam at geo.uu.nl
Wed Apr 15 11:47:41 CEST 2009
Is this homework? Let's see, the same question as last week, when Eik
Vetorazzi showed you how to interpret the test value.
The significance of this test depends on your pre-specified alpha. Don't
rely on an arbitrary value of 0.05. It would be a good idea to do some
reading (any introductory statistics book would suffice, there are some
excellent suggestions on this list if you care to look for them).
Hope this helps,
On Wed, April 15, 2009 11:31, Alain Guillet wrote:
> Hello benedikt,
> You say the slopes differ significantly if the p-value is less than a
> given threshold, most of the time 0.05.
> Please, note that fitting a linear regression through three points is
> senseless...
> Regards,
> Alain
> Benedikt Niesterok wrote:
>> Hello R users,
>> I've used the following help:
>>> "Comparing two regression line slopes"
>>> I knew the method based on the following statement :
>>> t = (b1 - b2) / sb1,b2
>>> where b1 and b2 are the two slope coefficients and sb1,b2 the pooled
>>> standard error of the slope (b)
>>> which can be calculated in R this way:
>>> > df1 <- data.frame(x=1:3, y=1:3+rnorm(3))
>>> > df2 <- data.frame(x=1:3, y=1:3+rnorm(3))
>>> > fit1 <- lm(y~x, df1)
>>> > s1 <- summary(fit1)$coefficients
>>> > fit2 <- lm(y~x, df2)
>>> > s2 <- summary(fit2)$coefficients
>>> > db <- (s2[2,1]-s1[2,1])
>>> > sd <- sqrt(s2[2,2]^2+s1[2,2]^2)
>>> > df <- (fit1$df.residual+fit2$df.residual)
>>> > td <- db/sd
>>> > 2*pt(-abs(td), df)
>> Using my data I finally get the value of the test, which is: 2.245e-7.
>> Do my slopes differ significantly now?
>> Thanks for help, Benedikt
>> --
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> --
> Alain Guillet
> Statistician and Computer Scientist
> SMCS - Institut de statistique - Université catholique de Louvain
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drs. H.A. (Arien) Lam (Ph.D. student)
Department of Physical Geography
Faculty of Geosciences
Utrecht University, The Netherlands
E-mail: a.lam at geo.uu.nl
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