[R] Help with ANOVA p-values

Amit Patel amitrhelp at yahoo.co.uk
Tue Apr 14 17:02:15 CEST 2009

I have done ANOVA on a dataset (See Below) but am having problems retreiving the p-value. I am assuming that Pr(>F) is the p-value but cannot get this value or in fact any other value (e.g. DF) from the summary.Any suggestions??

I have tried

> sum$Pr(>F)
Error: unexpected '>' in "sum$Pr(>"
> sum$"Pr(>F)"
> sum$Df

> zzz.aov <- aov(Intensity ~ Group + Error(Sample), data = zzzanova)
> summary(zzz.aov)

Error: Sample
      Df     Sum Sq    Mean Sq
Group  1 6.0313e+10 6.0313e+10

Error: Within
          Df     Sum Sq    Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
Group      3 2.6012e+10 8.6707e+09  0.2934 0.8299
Residuals 34 1.0049e+12 2.9556e+10         

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