[R] equation help

Brendan Morse morse.brendan at gmail.com
Mon Apr 13 16:54:09 CEST 2009

Hi everyone, I am having a bit of trouble correctly structuring an  
equation in R.

Here is the equation

Here is what I thought

for(i in 1:numItem)for(x in 1:numCat)


My problem is that I am not sure how to get it to read the equation as  
having two indexing points (i and x). Right now it is trying to read  
it as a matrix, but each value (i and x) are only vectors. Does anyone  
have any suggestions on how to get R to recognize this? As an example,  
numItem may = 20 and numCat may = 3 and I am trying to evaluate this  
over all values of numCat for each value of numItem.


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