[R] pdftex treats R pdf figures incorrectly
Андрей Парамонов
cmr.pent at gmail.com
Thu Apr 9 22:51:11 CEST 2009
I use R 2.8.1 under Debian GNU/Linux. I've run into a problem
including R pdf figures into LaTeX document. To reproduce:
1) Execute the following minimal R script:
pdf('fig.pdf', family = 'URWTimes', width = 5, height = 5)
plot(rnorm(10), main = 'Тест', xlab = 'Абсцисса', ylab = 'Ордината')
2) Open fig.pdf and make sure the cyrillic characters are present in
the plot title and at the axes. Also make sure the used font subset is
3) pdflatex the following minimal LaTeX document:
4) Open the resulting pdf file. Note that all cyrillic characters have
disappeared from the included figure.
I think it's a bug in pdftex. I've submitted a bug report:
However, pdftex maintainer The Thanh Han says the problem is in the
fig.pdf, not in the pdftex (see the link above).
Could anyone comment on this? Do you think it's a bug in R, and if not, why?
Andrey Paramonov,
Post-graduate student @ MSUT Stankin
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