[R] request: maximum depth reached problem
Uwe Ligges
ligges at statistik.tu-dortmund.de
Thu Apr 9 20:01:20 CEST 2009
Muhammad Azam wrote:
> Dear R community
> Hope all of you are fine. I have a question regarding the an error message. Actually, I am trying to generate classification trees using "tree" package. It works well but for some datasets e.g., wine, yeast, boston housing etc. it gives an error message.
> Error in tree(V14 ~ ., data = training.data, method = c("recursive.partitioning"), :
> maximum depth reached
> The structure of getting output is given below:
> iris.tr = tree(Species ~., data=training.data, method=c("recursive.partitioning"), split = c("gini"), control=tree.control(nobs = 150, minsize = 5, mincut = 2))
> Any suggestion will be appreciated to handle the above problem. Thanks and
Please do not cross-post and only post to the correct mailing list.
I'd suggest to use package rpart (as the tree maintainer suggests) or
other tree generating packages.
Uwe Ligges
> best regards
> Muhammad Azam
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