[R] Sweave problem, with multicolumn tables from R to LaTeX

Christian Salas christian.salas at yale.edu
Wed Apr 8 18:05:34 CEST 2009

Hi there,

I have been using the example provided bellow for a while, and It was 
working without any problem. Nevertheless, just since 2-3 days is not 
working, probably because I did update.packages(). I have tried to 
re-install the older versions of the packages Hmisc() and xtable(), but 
still does not work. Can you run this example, and tell me if you got 
the same problems?

I use linux-ubuntu, and R 2.8.1

Here is my .Rnw file


\title{Why is not working this? a table from R having multi columns


#Calling some packages

#version of the packages
packageDescription('Hmisc')$Version #version of Hmisc
packageDescription('xtable')$Version  #version of xtable

#version and features of my PC and R

\section{The table ready to be exported}
An R table as an example.
tab.coef.allmodels <-
structure(c(246.8809, 153.6952, 43.6259, 1823.686, -4.0138, -53.8741,
-13.9552, -699.7154, 0, -3.0084, -0.5188, -41.7249, 4.0898,
2.0342, 0.2798, 25.636, 235.5128, 160.0244, 30.0147, 1523.0723,
3.7601, -53.9238, -3.9789, -597.1446, 0, -3.2745, -0.0025, -28.7418,
4.4203, 2.1606, 0.0124, 17.9259), .Dim = c(4L, 8L), .Dimnames = list(
     c("NHA", "GHA", "Hdom", "VHA"), c("Intercept", "stand2",
     "band3", "band7", "Intercept", "stand2", "band3", "band7"

\section{Producing the \LaTeX\ table}
\subsection{Showing a simple output table, but not being
   the aimed one}

The following syntax produce Table \ref{tab:coefAllmod1}, which is not
what I want.
l <- latex(tab.coef.allmodels, file="tab.coefAllmod1.tex",
rowlabel="Model for",
caption="MLR and LME parameter estimates by stand variables",
       caption.loc="top", label="tab:coefAllmod1",where="!h")


\subsection{What I want, but not getting it right}
The following syntax produce Table \ref{tab:coefAllmod2}, which
contains all the information that i want, but is not giving me
the correct format.
l <- latex(tab.coef.allmodels, file="tab.coefAllmod2.tex",
rowlabel="Model for",
caption="MLR and LME parameter estimates by stand variables",
       caption.loc="top", label="tab:coefAllmod2",where="!h")


I have been using this
syntax for a while, and was working without any problem.
  Nevertheless, just since 2-3 days is not working, probably
   because I did {\tt update.packages()}.
  I have tried to re-install the older versions of the packages
  {\tt Hmisc()} and {\tt xtable()}, but still does not work.

{\Large   {\bf What Am I missing here?}}



The the main .tex file, tables, the ouput pdf, and the .Rnw files are in 
the following url, if you want to check them


thanks in advance for your help

Christian Salas                     E-mail:christian.salas at yale.edu
PhD candidate                       http://environment.yale.edu/salas
School of Forestry and Environmental Studies
Yale University                     Tel: +1-(203)-432 5126
360 Prospect St                     Fax:+1-(203)-432 3809
New Haven, CT 06511-2189            Office: Room 35, Marsh Hall

Yale Biometrics Lab                  http://environment.yale.edu/biometrics

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