[R] Pulling data into a model

Luc Villandre villandl at dms.umontreal.ca
Wed Apr 8 16:09:57 CEST 2009

Hi Jacy,

I'll take my chances answering your question.

I'd suggest using the paste() function and then transforming the string 
into a formula object:

my.formula = 
sep= "")) ;

aov(my.formula,data=REG) ;

The first line creates a string that then becomes your formula statement.

Is this what you're looking for?



Crosby, Jacy R wrote:
> I'm creating an ANOVA model. Is there a way to pull in consecutive columns of variables for the test?
> Example:  aov1<-aov(y~x1+x2+REG[,2:num], data=REG)
> I'm not looking for interaction effects, I just want to create a model for the first few columns of variables (exact number and names will vary) and a few other predetermined variables (in the example I named them x1 and x2).
> Thanks in advance.
> - Jacy
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