[R] read.spss, locale and encodings

Hans Ekbrand hans.ekbrand at sociology.gu.se
Wed Apr 8 12:30:01 CEST 2009

I must be missing something obvious here:

According to the help page for read.spss, the reencode option is only
active when R is run under a UTF-8 locale.

read.spss can only import the SPSS file when run under a iso88591(5)
locale, under a UTF-8 locale I get:

Error in read.spss("wo.sav") : error reading system-file header
In addition: Warning message:
In read.spss("wo.sav") :
  wo.sav: position 143: Variable name begins with invalid character

This is under Debian GNU/Linux, the stable release.

foreign is version 8.27

Hans Ekbrand (http://sociologi.cjb.net) <hans at sociologi.cjb.net>
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