[R] contourplot label color

bruno joly bruno.joly at meteo.fr
Mon Apr 6 18:00:02 CEST 2009

Hi everyone,

I am new to the list.
My problem is to change the color of the label in a contour plot. The 
plot is quite dark and I'd like to have the line and label white, it 
works for the line with a simple "col", but for the labels I need to 
pass throught a panel call and :

 > contourplot(Prob ~ D.CSW * 

give me the answer "the argument 'label' may correspond to other 
variables" (I translate the error message from my  french version)

Thanks in advance for any help

 Bruno JOLY

 42, avenue G. Coriolis
 31057 Toulouse, France

 Tél: (33) (0)5 61 07 99 09
 Fax: (33) (0)5 61 07 84 53
 email:bruno.joly at meteo.fr

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