[R] political maps world maps in R, wrld_simpl

Patrizio Frederic frederic.patrizio at gmail.com
Mon Apr 6 13:42:40 CEST 2009

dear all,
I'm a newbie in map tools. I was asking to perform an apparently very
simple task.
I have a list of countries (about fifty all over in the world) scored
with a real positive value. Eg

Country score
Italy   .56
UK      .58
Korea   .41
Mexico  .63

I wish to plot geographical maps where every country is filled with a
color depending on his score.

Using maptools library and wrld_simpl I can easily perform the world
map. Here my code:

###    plot the world map

patramp = colorRamp(c(rgb(0,0,.7),"red"))# my personal ramp color palette


country2    = c("Albania", "Argentina", "Australia", "Austria", "Belgium",
"Belarus", "Brazil", "Bulgaria", "Canada", "China", "Colombia",
"Croatia", "Denmark", "Egypt", "United.Arab.Emirates", "Estonia",
"Philippines", "Finland", "France", "Germany", "Japan", "Jordan",
"Greece", "India", "Indonesia", "Iran", "Ireland", "Israel",
"Italy", "Latvia", "Libya", "Lithuania", "Malaysia", "Mexico",
"Morocco", "Norway", "Netherlands", "Pakistan", "Poland", "Portugal",
"United.Kingdom", "Czech.Republic", "Romania", "Russia", "Serbia",
"Singapore", "Syrian.Arab.Republic", "Slovak.Republic", "Slovenia",
"Spain", "United.States", "South.Africa", "Korea.South", "Sweden",
"Switzerland", "Thailand", "Taiwan.Province.of.China", "Tunisia",
"Turkey", "Ukraine", "Hungary", "Venezuela", "Vietnam") # The my
countries' names

country.all = wrld_simpl$NAME # countries' names as coded in wrld_simpl
n.all       = length(country.all)
col.map     = numeric(n.all)

# grep country2 in country.all
for (i in 1:length(country2)){
  col.map[grep(country2[i],country.all)] = runif(1) # assign a random
score to country i
# it certainly exists a cleaner coding for this but it's not my first
thought now

c2      = col.map!=0    # set countries with score != 0 is not listed
in country2
col.map2[!c2]=rgb(.95,.96,.97)  # be grey the countries not listed in
country2 object
col.map2[c2]= rgb(patramp(col.map[c2])/255) # ramp the remaining
plot(wrld_simpl,col=col.map2,axes=T) # nice plot

###   end of program

Now what if I wish to zoom on some sub world regions such as Eastern
Europe or America or any other user defined contiguous sub group?

Russia is a large country I could be interested in cutting it in two
peaces eastern and western. Can I do it using wrld_simpl or should I
search for other data? If so where can I find free maps data?

Some documentation exists but it seems sparse to me.
Any hints will be appreciated.
Thanks in advance,


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