[R] axis colours

Duncan Murdoch murdoch at stats.uwo.ca
Sat Apr 4 23:49:26 CEST 2009

On 04/04/2009 5:13 PM, Umesh Srinivasan wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there a way to use par to change the colours of the axes lines (not the
> labels)? I've done this:
> par(bg = "black")
> plot(x, y, col = "yellow", pch = 16)
> but I have to use
> axes = F within the plot command, and then use
> axis (1, col = "yellow")
> axis (2, col = "yellow")
> and so on for axes 3 & 4.
> This does not help since the new axes are not of the same length as the
> default 'box' that you get around a plot.

You can use box() to draw a box.  So you can get yellow axes and box using

plot(1,1, axes=F)
axis(1, col="yellow")
axis(2, col="yellow")

par() doesn't have an option for this.  plot() will use the default 
par("col") setting for the box, but that also affects the points being 

Duncan Murdoch

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