[R] Linear model, finding the slope

Uwe Ligges ligges at statistik.tu-dortmund.de
Fri Apr 3 15:51:01 CEST 2009

Melissa2k9 wrote:
> Hi
> for some data I working on I am merely plotting time against temperature for
> a variable named filmclip. So for example, I have volunteers who watched
> various film clips and have used infared camera to monitor the temperature
> on their face at every second of the clip. 
> The variable names I have used are Normalised ( for the temperature) and
> Frame (for the time in seconds).
> So I have fitted a linear model
> model<-lm(Normalised~Frame,data=All,subset=((Subject==1)&(Filmclip=="Whatever")
> and coef(model)
> gives me an intercept value and a value for the slope. Now what I want to do
> is find out if the slope is significant or not. So far I just have values
> such as 0.02211 for example and have no idea if this is to be interpreted as
> significant or not. 
> Sorry if I haven't been clear but any advice on how to find out what values
> are significant would be greatly appreciated.

See ?lm and ?summary.lm and try the examples.

Uwe Ligges

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