[R] Lattice axis list (when relation = "free")

Deepayan Sarkar deepayan.sarkar at gmail.com
Thu Apr 2 18:36:31 CEST 2009

On 3/29/09, In Hee Park <ipark at chemistry.ohio-state.edu> wrote:
> Dear R users:
>  I am having difficulty to place x-axis location alternatively
>  top/bottom side in Lattice plot, which is composed of seven-column as
>  following:
>         E1         E2      E3       E4     E5      E6      E7
>  Case1   -505.85   -75.32   494.52  -12.31  -98.96  50.34   -48.62
>  Case2   -50.46    -60.97   68.32   -8.66   -51.77  25.17   -26.60
>  Case3   -253.00   -54.99   243.48  -8.76   -73.27  35.46   -37.81
>  Case4    94.73     -20.27  -83.70  -3.17   -12.41  15.01   2.6
>  To adjust x-axis scale per column, I used prepanel function followed
>  by scales argument.  But then I wanted to mimic "alternating" option
>  manually for x-axis location to prevent congestion among adjacent
>  x-axis numbers.
>  How can I make a list for axis location when relation = "free" is used?

You cannot easily (unless you provide a custom 'axis' function and
manage space yourself). Setting relation="free" forces axes on the


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