[R] Public R servers?

Tobias Verbeke tobias.verbeke at openanalytics.be
Wed Apr 1 23:00:05 CEST 2009

Hi Aaron,

> Earlier I posted a question about memory usage, and the community's input was very helpful.  However, I'm now extending my dataset (which I use when running a regression using lm).  As a result, I am continuing to run into problems with memory usage, and I believe I need to shift to implementing the analysis on a different system..  
> I know that R supports R servers through Rserve. Are there any public servers where I could upload my datasets (either as a text file, or through a connection to a SQL server), execute the analysis, then download the results?  I identifed Wessa.net  (http://www.wessa.net/mrc.wasp?outtype=Browser%20Blue%20-%20Charts%20White), but it's not clear it will meet my needs.  Can anyone suggest any other resources?

Karim Chine made available Amazon EC2 images with
R and biocep that can be run on the Amazon servers
on a pay per hour basis.

The only requirement is to have an Amazon EC2 account.
There is some explanation on


under the heading "Biocep-R on Amazon's Cloud"


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