[R] Fedora 10 KDE plasma font rendering issue

plummer at iarc.fr plummer at iarc.fr
Wed Apr 1 00:00:36 CEST 2009

Quoting dfermin <dfermin at umich.edu>:
> Hello.
> I've got a new workstation running Fedora 10 linux and I use the KDE 4.2
> desktop which uses some kind of new desktop environment called 'plasma'.
> If I start up R and generate a plot (for example: hist(rnorm(10000, mean=0,
> sd=1), breaks=100) ). The plot appears but all text (the x/y axes, title,
> etc..) is replaced by a square box. No font is rendered at all.
> Has anyone else got this problem? If so do you have a work around or a
> solution?
> I'm using R version 2.8.1 installed from the Fedora 10 repositories if that
> helps.
> Thanks in advance.

It sounds like you are missing some fonts. Check that the "urw-fonts" and
"liberation-fonts" RPMs are installed.

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