[R] FORTUNES WAS :foruntes candidate?? WAS:Re: Bug in "is" ?

Charles C. Berry cberry at tajo.ucsd.edu
Fri Sep 26 01:39:31 CEST 2008

Sorry about my clumsy fingers! :-(

On Thu, 25 Sep 2008, Charles C. Berry wrote:

> Douglas Bates [after a tortuous discussion of the behavior of 
> is(7,"integer")]:
> As for the question of the bug in "is", ... "it depends what your definition 
> of `is' is." [Bill Clinton]
> ---
> Good one, Douglas!
> Chuck
> On Thu, 25 Sep 2008, Douglas Bates wrote:
>>  On Thu, Sep 25, 2008 at 4:23 PM, Wacek Kusnierczyk
>>  <Waclaw.Marcin.Kusnierczyk at idi.ntnu.no> wrote:
>> >  Rolf Turner wrote:
>> > > 
> [snip]
>>  As for the question of the bug in "is" - although I hate to sound like
>>  a politician who was given the nickname "Slick Willie" (see Clinton,
>>  William J.), "it depends what your definition of `is' is."  The
>>  definition in R is a function that examines the class of an object and
>>  reports on whether the object has the given class or is of a class
>>  that inherits from the given class.  In this case it will give an
>>  answer based on the class of the computer representation of the
>>  number, not the mathematical concept of the number.
> [rest dleted]
> Charles C. Berry                            (858) 534-2098
>                                            Dept of Family/Preventive 
> Medicine
> E mailto:cberry at tajo.ucsd.edu	            UC San Diego
> http://famprevmed.ucsd.edu/faculty/cberry/  La Jolla, San Diego 92093-0901
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Charles C. Berry                            (858) 534-2098
                                             Dept of Family/Preventive Medicine
E mailto:cberry at tajo.ucsd.edu	            UC San Diego
http://famprevmed.ucsd.edu/faculty/cberry/  La Jolla, San Diego 92093-0901

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