[R] two questions on Sweave (help in the output + warnings in the output)

Domenico Vistocco vistocco at unicas.it
Fri Sep 19 22:42:27 CEST 2008

Dear All,
I am working on some slides using LaTeX/Beamer and R/Sweave.
I have the two questions below (sorry if they are stupid or already 
solved but I didn't find solutions on the web).

1) Using the following code:

I have only:
 > help("dim")
on the slide. Is it possible to directly include in the slide the help 
of the function?

2) Using the following code:
1:5 + 1:3

I have in the slide:
 > 1:5 + 1:3
[1] 2 4 6 5 7
How can I print also the related Warning message on the slide?

Thanks in advance for the help,

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