[R] Help... Organizing multiple spreadsheets data into a huge R data structure!

John Wong thjwong at gmail.com
Mon Sep 15 18:27:24 CEST 2008

Hello R users,

I am relatively new to the R program, and I hope some of you can offer
me some suggestions on how to organize my data in R using some of the
more advanced data structuring technique. Here's my scenario:

I have date set of 50 participants (each with conditions and
demographic data), each participant performed 2x16 trials, for each
trial, there was specific information about the trial (i.e. errors,
and timing), and a spreadsheet-like large data set with headers. I
have to extract data from each spreadsheet-like data according to the
information about the specific trial. And then group then according to
trial nature in the 2x16 structure. Then I can further analyse then
according to the demographic data grouping the 50 participants.

1. I have no idea about what is the best way to organized this data
set in R, so that it can be the most efficient to analyse it.
50 (demographic data set) X  2 (phase) X 16 (trials of varied nature)
X Trial Data set + Trial Online Recording Physiological Data Set
Spreadsheet (in text format)
2. I don't have a clear idea on how to manage this data structure in
R. Can somebody point me to the corresponding R resource / examples so
that I can read and try it out on my data set?

I tried to hurry for my project but there's no cohort here that is
particularly polished in R...
Thanks a LOT...!

- John

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