[R] binomial(link="inverse")

Ben Bolker bolker at zoology.ufl.edu
Tue Sep 9 16:53:53 CEST 2008

  this may be a better question for r-devel, but ...

  Is there a particular reason (and if so, what is it) that
the inverse link is not in the list of allowable link functions
for the binomial family?  I initially thought this might
have something to do with the properties of canonical
vs non-canonical link functions, but since other link functions
(probit, cloglog, cauchit, log) are allowed, I can't think
of any good reason.  In fact, it's sort of a mystery to me
why the sets of link functions for each family are restricted.
Is this from painful experience that some link functions just
don't work well?

  I can go ahead and hack my own version that allows inverse
link, but it would be nice to know if I'm doing something dumb.

  (The reason I want to do this is that the inverse link
linearizes the Michaelis-Menten function, y = a*x/(b+x) ...)

    Ben Bolker

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