[R] Barplot: Vertical bars with long labels

Christos Hatzis christos.hatzis at nuverabio.com
Wed Oct 29 20:05:10 CET 2008


You can try inserting a newline where you need the break in your labels:

> dd.names <- c('Conduct Disorders','Attention Deficit', 'Eating Disorders',
'Substance Abuse','Developmental Disorders')
> dd.names.2 <- sapply(dd.names, function(x) gsub("\\s", "\\\n", x))
> barplot(dd, names.arg=dd.names.2)


> -----Original Message-----
> From: r-help-bounces at r-project.org 
> [mailto:r-help-bounces at r-project.org] On Behalf Of Udo
> Sent: Wednesday, October 29, 2008 2:43 PM
> To: r-help at r-project.org
> Subject: [R] Barplot: Vertical bars with long labels
> Dear List,
> I need a barplot with vertical bars. Each bar should have a label.
> The problem is, that the labels are too long, so they 
> overlap, or only every seccond label is displayed in the output.
> Here is a little syntax:
> dd <- c(100,110,90,105,95)
> barplot(dd,names.arg=c('Conduct Disorders','Attention Deficit',
>                        'Eating Disorders',
>                        'Substance Abuse','Developmental Disorders'))
> My question is, if there is a chance to force a line break in 
> each label.
> The result shoud look like this:
>   Bar1        Bar2       Bar3         Bar4         Bar5
> Conduct    Attention    Eating     Substance   Developmental
> Disorders  Disorders   Disorders     Abuse        Disorders
> The result could also look like this:
>       Bar1         Bar2       Bar3         Bar4         Bar5
>        |            |          |            |             |
> Conduct Disorders   |    Eating Disordes    |    
> Developmental Disordes
>                     |                       |
>              Attention deficit       Substance Abuse
> Many thanks in advance
> Udo
> --------------------------------------------
> Udo K    N     G
>       Ö     I
> Clinic for Child an Adolescent Psychiatry Philipps University 
> of Marburg / Germany
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