[R] Transferring results from R to MS Word

Frank E Harrell Jr f.harrell at vanderbilt.edu
Mon Oct 27 03:35:48 CET 2008

Tom Backer Johnsen wrote:
> Frank E Harrell Jr wrote:
>> Tom Backer Johnsen wrote:
>>> Frank E Harrell Jr wrote:
>>>> Tom Backer Johnsen wrote:
>>>>> Frank E Harrell Jr wrote:
>>>>>> Tom Backer Johnsen wrote:
>>>>>> I hadn't thought of the 'different random sample' approach.  
>>>>>> That's neat.
>>>>>> Frank
>>>>> Yes, I am quite proud of that.  The program that does the sampling 
>>>>> and mailing is called "Distras".
>>>> Is that problem part of an open source project?
>>> That is my intention.  Currently the program is written in Delphi 
>>> (version 7), but it should be relatively easy to transfer it into a 
>>> version that can be compiled with an open source Pascal compiler.
>> I hope you'll keep the community posted on that.  If you ever have a 
>> need for a function in R for linux that makes e-mailing easy, I have one.
> Now, that is interesting.  I have not thought abut mailing from R.  The 
> main reason for writing the program in Delphi was that I had the 
> compiler already and that is simple to program something that could 
> mail.  Having a copy of a mailing function for Linux would be useful in 
> any case, so my response would simply be: Yes please.  Would that 
> function work with Ubuntu?

Yes.  The version I have now does not send attachments.  It is easy to 
send attachments if you install the mutt package in Ubuntu and call mutt 
through system().


>> One issue I need to face is that for project assignments involving 
>> more comprehensive analyses of datasets there are many right answers 
>> so automatic checking of results is difficult.
> Yes, that would be tricky.  The problems my students get are quite 
> simpleminded.  In any case, the checking is not automatic, I still have 
> to compare the answers from the students with my solution "manually".
> Tom
>> Frank
>>> Tom

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