[R] code works in R desktop but not iin RWeb - I got it working

Gabor Grothendieck ggrothendieck at gmail.com
Thu Oct 23 19:49:11 CEST 2008

If the RWeb server you are referring to is the one at montana
then its running a version of R that is 5 years old.  At that time
the underscore was a synonym for <- in R but that was
discontinued some time since then.  With a version of R
that old there could be quite a few other differences as well.

On Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 1:09 PM, Natalie O'Toole <notoole at mtroyal.ca> wrote:
> Hi,
> I got this working. i had to get rid of an underscore in one of my
> variable names to work on RWeb.
> Thanks for your help though!!
> Natalie
> __________________
> I think you have to be either honest or careful, since the code you
> submitted to Rweb is different with your former code! Why the
> condition was changed from "test<-subset(X, GRADE == 7  & Y_Q10A < 9)"
> to "test<-subset(X, PROV==48 & GRADE == 7  & Y_Q10A < 9)"?
> By the way, please read the post guide -- I have no way to reproduce
> your result.
> Regards,
> Yihui
> --
> Yihui Xie <xieyihui at gmail.com>
> Phone: +86-(0)10-82509086 Fax: +86-(0)10-82509086
> Mobile: +86-15810805877
> Homepage: http://www.yihui.name
> School of Statistics, Room 1037, Mingde Main Building,
> Renmin University of China, Beijing, 100872, China
> On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 11:15 PM, Natalie O'Toole <notoole at mtroyal.ca>
> wrote:
>> Hi Yihui,
>> Thank-you for this information. This is the code I am entering into RWeb
>> after loading my data file:
>> #subset the file to only include certain values:
>> test<-subset(X, GRADE == 7  & Y_Q10A < 9)
>> #sort the data by province and the variable Y_Q10A
>> mydata<-test
>> mydataSorted<-mydata[ order(mydata$PROV,mydata$Y_Q10A), ]
>> #Weight the data and aggregate it by province and Y_Q10A
>> myag<-aggregate(mydataSorted$WTPP,
>> by=list(mydataSorted$PROV,mydataSorted$Y_Q10A), FUN=sum, na.rm=TRUE)
>> #print the aggregated data
>> print(myag)
>> _
>> This does not work. RWeb does not show any results. Here is the response
> I
>> am getting from RWeb:
>> Rweb:> postscript(file= "/tmp/Rout.11012.%03d.ps", onefile=FALSE)
>> Rweb:> X <- read.table("/tmp/Rdata.11012.data", header=T)
>> Rweb:> attach(X)
>> Rweb:> names(X)
>> [1] "PUMFID" "PROV"   "REGION" "GRADE"  "Y.Q10A" "WTPP"
>> Rweb:>
>> Rweb:>
>> Rweb:> test<-subset(X, PROV==48 & GRADE == 7  & Y_Q10A < 9)
>> How can I modify my code above to get it to work in RWeb, please?
>> Thanks,
>> Nat
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