[R] distribution fitting
Tortonesi Mauro
mauro.tortonesi at unife.it
Thu Oct 23 13:40:45 CEST 2008
Dear R-help readers,
I am writing to you in order to ask you a few questions about
distribution fitting in R.
I am trying to find out whether the set of event interarrival times
that I am currently analyzing is distributed with a Gamma or General
Pareto distribution. The event arrival granularity is in minutes and
interarrival times are in seconds, so the values I have are 0, 60,
120, 180, and so on...
Here is what I did. Since several values of the interarrival_times
array are zero, to avoid numerical errors when calculating their
logarithm, I set them to 1E-10:
> # fix numerical values
> for (i in 1:length(interarrival_times)) {
+ if (interarrival_times[i] == 0)
+ interarrival_times[i] = 0.0000000001
+ }
Then I defined the negative log likelihood for the Gamma distribution:
> nll_gamma_log <- function(lambda_log, alfa_log) {
+ n <- length(interarrival_times)
+ x <- interarrival_times
+ -n*exp(alfa_log)*lambda_log + n*log(gamma(exp(alfa_log))) -
(exp(alfa_log)-1)*sum(log(x)) + exp(lambda_log)*sum(x)
+ }
and passed it to the mle function:
> est_gamma <- mle(minuslog = nll_gamma_log, start = list(lambda_log = 0, alfa_log=0))
There were 50 or more warnings (use warnings() to see the first 50)
of course I got many "value out of range" warnings:
> warnings()
Warning messages:
1: In log(gamma(exp(log_alfa))) ... : value out of range in 'gammafn'
7: In gamma(exp(log_alfa)) ... : NaNs produced
50: In log(gamma(exp(log_alfa))) ... : value out of range in 'gammafn'
but that was expected, right?
The real problems come out when I try to fit a General Pareto
distribution. Using the same method, I calculated the negative log
likelihood function for the General Pareto distribution:
> # negative log-likelihood function for general pareto distribution
> nll_gpd <- function(xi, log_sigma, mu) { # shape, scale, location
+ n <- length(interarrival_times)
+ x <- interarrival_times
+ cat("xi:",xi,"; log_sigma:",log_sigma,"; mu:",mu,"\n")
+ n*log_sigma + (xi+1)*sum(log(1+xi*(x-mu)/exp(log_sigma)))/xi
+ }
and passed it to the mle function. However, this time I get some errors:
> est_gpd <- mle(minuslog = nll_gpd, start = list(xi = 1, log_sigma = 1, mu = 1))
xi: 1 ; log_sigma: 1 ; mu: 1
xi: 1.001 ; log_sigma: 1 ; mu: 1
xi: 0.999 ; log_sigma: 1 ; mu: 1
xi: 1 ; log_sigma: 1.001 ; mu: 1
xi: 1 ; log_sigma: 0.999 ; mu: 1
xi: 1 ; log_sigma: 1 ; mu: 1.001
xi: 1 ; log_sigma: 1 ; mu: 0.999
xi: 52007.84 ; log_sigma: 13414.95 ; mu: 4241.565
xi: 10402.37 ; log_sigma: 2683.789 ; mu: 849.113
xi: 18.08721 ; log_sigma: 3.862682 ; mu: 2.627865
xi: 18.08721 ; log_sigma: 3.860682 ; mu: 2.627865
Error in optim(start, f, method = method, hessian = TRUE, ...) :
non-finite finite-difference value [2]
In addition: There were 50 or more warnings (use warnings() to see the first 50)
I also get many warnings:
> warnings()
Warning messages:
1: In base::log(x, base) ... : NaNs produced
2: In base::log(x, base) ... : NaNs produced
50: In base::log(x, base) ... : NaNs produced
I really don't know how to fix this problem. Do you have any suggestions?
Thank you very much in advance.
Best regards,
Mauro Tortonesi
Mauro Tortonesi, Ph.D.
Research Assistant
Distributed Systems Research Group
Engineering Department
University of Ferrara
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