[R] Nagelkerke R square for Prediction data

Tobias Erik Reiners Tobias.Reiners at bio.uni-giessen.de
Wed Oct 22 12:05:18 CEST 2008

Dear Helpers,

I tries to find an Package or script which deals with Nagelkerke R square.
I got Prediction data from Habitatmodels for an animal. Some researchers
use the the Nagelkerke R Square to confirm the Goodness of model. I  
would like to do this as well.
1  0.9847
1  0,7653
0  0,2456
0  0,0457

THanks a lot
Tobias Erik Reiners
Justus Liebig University
IFZ - Department of Animal Ecology
Heinrich-Buff-Ring 26-32
D-35392 Giessen  Germany

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