[R] defining a function using strings

Chernomoretz Ariel algo107 at gmail.com
Thu Oct 16 20:40:17 CEST 2008

Hi All,
I need to evaluate a series expansion using Legendre polynomials.
Using the 'orthopolinom' package I can get a list of the first n
Legendre polynomials as character strings.

> library(orthopolynom)
> l<-legendre.polynomials(4)
> l


-0.5 + 1.5*x^2

-1.5*x + 2.5*x^3

0.375 - 3.75*x^2 + 4.375*x^4

But I can't figure out how to implement functions that could be
evaluated for arbitrary 'x', from this list,
Thanks for your help.


 Dr. Ariel Chernomoretz
       Departamento de Fisica, FCEyN,        Universidad de Buenos Aires,
       (1428) Ciudad Universitaria,        Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina.
       TE +54 11 4576 3390 ext 817
       Fax +54 11 4576 3357
       email: ariel at df.uba.ar        Webpage: http://www.df.uba.ar/users/ariel

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