[R] Lattice key title color

Gabor Grothendieck ggrothendieck at gmail.com
Wed Oct 15 18:11:43 CEST 2008



show it compactly.

On Wed, Oct 15, 2008 at 11:18 AM, Greg Snow <Greg.Snow at imail.org> wrote:
> Another way to look through the possible par settings that hopefully makes it a little less intimidating is:
>> library(TeachingDemos)
>> TkListView(trellis.par.get())
> This requires the TeachingDemos package (obviously) and the tcltk package (most have it, but sometimes you need to run R a certain way for it to work).
> --
> Gregory (Greg) L. Snow Ph.D.
> Statistical Data Center
> Intermountain Healthcare
> greg.snow at imail.org
> 801.408.8111
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: r-help-bounces at r-project.org [mailto:r-help-bounces at r-
>> project.org] On Behalf Of Dieter Menne
>> Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2008 8:18 AM
>> To: r-help at stat.math.ethz.ch
>> Subject: Re: [R] Lattice key title color
>> Meesters, Erik <Erik.Meesters <at> wur.nl> writes:
>> > is there a way to define the color of the title for the legend in
>> > lattice?
>> Getting the right par to set in lattice can be intimidating. I keep the
>> result
>> of trellis.par.get() in a text file and search for the "closest match".
>> Dieter
>> library(lattice)
>> show.settings() # does not help much here (wish this were more
>> complete..)
>> # capture the following output into a text file
>> trellis.par.get()
>> # end of trying around, let's work
>> # you need to know that the title called "main"
>> pars = trellis.par.get("par.main.text")
>> pars$col="red"
>> trellis.par.set("par.main.text",pars)
>> xyplot(rnorm(100)~rnorm(100),main="Hello")
>> # I normally use the following method to set many of my pars at once
>> "DMlatticeOptions" <- function(superpose.polygon.col=NULL,
>>                               superpose.line.col=NULL) {
>>   require(lattice)
>>   require(RColorBrewer)
>>   ltheme = canonical.theme(color=TRUE)
>>   if (!is.null(superpose.polygon.col))
>>     ltheme$superpose.line$col =  superpose.line.col else
>>     ltheme$superpose.line$col =
>>       c('black',"red","blue","#e31111","darkgreen", "gray")
>> #  ltheme$superpose.line$col = rev(brewer.pal(8,"Set1"))
>>   ltheme$superpose.fill$col = ltheme$superpose.line$col
>>   if (!is.null(superpose.polygon.col))
>>     ltheme$superpose.polygon$col =  superpose.polygon.col
>>   ltheme$strip.shingle$col = ltheme$superpose.polygon$col
>>   ltheme$superpose.symbol$pch = c(16,17,18,1,2,3,4,8)
>>   ltheme$superpose.symbol$col = ltheme$superpose.line$col
>>   ltheme$superpose.symbol$cex = 0.4
>>   ltheme$strip.background$col = c("gray90", "gray80")
>>   ltheme$background$col = "transparent"
>>   ltheme$par.main.text$cex = 0.9 # default is 1.2
>>   ltheme$par.ylab.text$cex =0.8
>>   ltheme$par.ylab.text$cex =0.8
>>   ltheme$add.text$cex = 1
>>   ltheme$axis.text$cex = 0.6
>>   ltheme$box.rectangle$col = "black"
>>   ltheme$box.umbrella$col = "black"
>>   ltheme$dot.symbol$col = "black"
>>   ltheme$plot.symbol$col = "black"
>>   ltheme$plot.line$col = "black"
>>   ltheme$plot.symbol$cex = 0.3
>>   ltheme$plot.symbol$pch = c(16)
>>   ltheme$plot.polygon$col = "#A6D96A"
>>   ltheme$par.sub.text$cex=0.7
>>   ltheme$par.sub.text$font=1
>>   lattice.options(default.theme=ltheme)
>> }
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