[R] Odp: Read.table fail to recognize (+/-) sign

Petr PIKAL petr.pikal at precheza.cz
Mon Oct 6 16:01:14 CEST 2008


works for me, which version of R?

> read.table("clipboard")
            V1   V2    V3 V4       V5       V6    V7
1 HIT000000001 hg18  chr8  +  1759549  1894206 Human
2 HIT000000005 hg18 chr11  -  8593662  8636959 Human
3 HIT000000007 hg18  chr5  + 31675274 32146794 Human
4 HIT000000011 hg18  chr5  + 79739648 79810715 Human

Petr Pikal
petr.pikal at precheza.cz
724008364, 581252140, 581252257

r-help-bounces at r-project.org napsal dne 06.10.2008 15:53:02:

> Dear all,
> I have the following dataset:
> # HIT or acc, UCSC genome, chromosome, strand, start, end, species name
> HIT000000001    hg18    chr8    +   1759549 1894206 Human
> HIT000000005    hg18    chr11   -   8593662 8636959 Human
> HIT000000007    hg18    chr5    +   31675274    32146794    Human
> HIT000000011    hg18    chr5    +   79739648    79810715    Human
> (also downloadable at http://dpaste.com/82688/plain/  )
> However with the following command:
> > source <- read.table("clipboard")
> > source
>                 V1   V2    V3 V4        V5        V6    V7
> 1     HIT000000001 hg18  chr8  0   1759549   1894206 Human
> 2     HIT000000005 hg18 chr11  0   8593662   8636959 Human
> 3     HIT000000007 hg18  chr5  0  31675274  32146794 Human
> 4     HIT000000011 hg18  chr5  0  79739648  79810715 Human
> Note that the V4 column read.table fail to capture the PLUS/MINUS sign,
> it gives 0 instead.
> Is there a way I can enable read.table to recognize those signs?
> - Gundala Viswanath
> Jakarta - Indonesia
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