[R] suggestions for plotting 5000 data points

Tania Oh tania.oh at dpag.ox.ac.uk
Fri Oct 3 16:19:58 CEST 2008

sorry, I made a slight typo in the code below, it should be

mat3 <-matrix(sample(1:5000),nrow=5000,ncol=3, byrow=TRUE)
colnames(mat3) <- c("human","mouse", "chicken")
mat3 <-data.frame(mat3)
mat3$model <- factor( rep(  "Model 3"),  labels="model3")

## code I used for parallel

parallel( ~ mat3[1:3]|model , mat3,varnames = c("human\ndnds", "mouse 
\ndnds", "chicken\ndnds") )

so very sorry to clog up your inboxes,

On 3 Oct 2008, at 15:17, Tania Oh wrote:

> Dear all,
> I have a collection of 5000 entries which represent the evolutionary  
> rates of 3 animals.
> I would like to show the differences between the rates of all 3  
> animals and have tried using the function parallel (from the lattice  
> package) and pairs() function.
> The parallel function would have been perfect save for the large  
> number of data (5000). The pairs() function doesn't show the  
> difference explicitly. Does anyone have any suggestions on  
> representing such data or have done similar plots?
> I attach some simulated data:
> mat3 <-matrix(sample(1:5000),nrow=5000,ncol=3, byrow=TRUE)
> colnames(mat3) <- c("human","mouse", "chicken")
> mat3 <-data.frame(mat3)
> mat2$model <- factor( rep(  "Model 3"),  labels="model3")
> ## code I used for parallel
> require(lattice)
> parallel( ~ mat3[1:3]|model , mat3,varnames = c("human\ndnds", "mouse 
> \ndnds", "chicken\ndnds") )
> any suggestions or pointers would be greatly appreciated.
> many thanks
> tania
> D.phil student
> Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics

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