[R] several postscript problems

Stefan Evert stefan.evert at uos.de
Fri Oct 3 14:38:17 CEST 2008

> I'm currently trying to export a couple of graphs to pdf .  
> Postscript would be fine too, but I'm using odd page dimensions,  
> which seem to be overwritten when using the "ps2pdf" command.

 From what you wrote I guess that perhaps you don't really want  
unusual page dimensions, but rather Encapsulated PostScript files,  
which are automatically cropped to their bounding box and can be  
included as images in a latex document (using \includegraphics or  
such, so you  could arrange the 6 graphs in a standard latex figure  
environment etc.; and, of course, there's no need to go through PDFs).

If that's what you want to do, simply use dev.copy2eps(), setting  
width= and height= to the desired format of the plot and remembering  
to specify onefile=FALSE (that's a trap I keep falling into ...).

If you still need PDFs, use the "epstopdf" program for the conversion,  
because ps2pdf will usually mess up your bounding box and revert to a  
standard page size.

Best regards,
Stefan Evert

[ stefan.evert at uos.de | http://purl.org/stefan.evert ]

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