[R] cryptic error message: "Error in embed(y, lag) : wrong embedding dimension"

Ben Bolker bolker at ufl.edu
Wed Oct 1 15:30:42 CEST 2008

 <tolga.i.uzuner <at> jpmorgan.com> writes:

> Dear R Users,
>  I've been hit with a cryptic error message:
> "Error in embed(y, lag) : wrong embedding dimension"
> My configuration is:
> - R 2.7.2
> - Windows XP Sp2
> Google returns nothing for this. Could someone suggest what this might 
> mean ?

  We need more information.  What are you trying to do,
what functions are you using, what packages?
What are the results of sessionInfo() and traceback()
[run immediately after you get the error]?
  I'm guessing you're trying to do something with
the embedding dimension of a time series, and that you
might (?) be using package fractal, or GammaTest,
or fNonlinear, or tseriesChaos ?  (These came up
in an RSiteSearch for "embedding dimension")

   Ben Bolker

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