[R] Weibull distribution

David Winsemius dwinsemius at comcast.net
Wed Oct 1 05:39:36 CEST 2008

Doing a search on:
weibull and "probability plot" ,,,,along with...  r-help

in Google produced this reply which I think gives a worked example  
that fits some of your hopes.


I am not sure what the B<N>'s are however. If they are quantiles. I am  
not sure how meaningful a 95th quantile estimate would be for a sample  
with only 6 instances.

David Winsemius

On Sep 30, 2008, at 7:24 AM, Hoeks, Luis wrote:

> Hello r-project team,
> I am new (test) user of R and I need some help. Sorry to wrote in  
> German before, I am just a newbee to this mailing list. I would like  
> to calculate and plot a Weibull distribution (Weibull best-fit line,  
> accuracy curves left and right beside the best-fit line) for a  
> simple set of data points. I need the shape and the scale parameter  
> for the best-fit and values like B5, B10, B50, B90, B95. Usually I  
> have 6-20 data points, f.e. force [N] from from a tensile test. I  
> was thinking that for this kind of task there are ready-to-go R- 
> progams/scripts or maby a small how-to that guides me through this  
> subject.
> Any help is very much appreciated!
> Regards
> Luis
> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: r-help-bounces at r-project.org [mailto:r-help-bounces at r- 
> project.org] Im Auftrag von Hoeks, Luis
> Gesendet: Dienstag, 30. September 2008 11:23
> An: r-help at r-project.org
> Betreff: [R] Weibull Verteilung
> Hallo r-Projekt Team,
> ich bin Anfänger in R und könnte ein wenig Hilfe gebrauchen. Ich  
> möchte eine Weibullverteilung (Weibullgerade und Genauigkeitskurven)  
> berechnen und plotten. Außerdem benötige ich den Formfaktor, den  
> Skalierungsfaktor und Werte wie B5, B10, B50, B90, B95. In der Regel  
> habe ich 6-20 Datenpunkte, z.B. aus Bruchlastversuchen. Ich kann mir  
> Vorstellen, dass es dafür schon fertige Scripte oder How-Tos  
> existieren, habe aber beim googeln nichts gefunden.
> Wäre nett, wenn mir jemand hier einen Anstoß geben könnte.
> Gruß
> Luis
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