[R] Query regarding an error while using SEGMENTED (V0.2-4)

IWASAKI, Yuichi yuichiwsk at gmail.com
Tue Nov 25 17:03:13 CET 2008

Dear All,

Currently I'm using the "segmented" package. While using the package,
(i.e segmented - version 0.2-4) to investigate a possible change point
(around X = 2) in my data, I had the following error message:


Error in segmented.glm(glm.Y, seg.Z = ~X, psi = 2)
 (Some) estimated psi out of its range

The used data are attached in this mail for your reference. I have
tried my best using many modifications to avoid this error, but it
couldn't be. However, data seems to have a breakpoint around 2. I'm
requesting you to give me some advice to avoid the error.

Thanks in advance,

Yuichi Iwasaki
Graduate School of Environment and Information Sciences,
Yokohama National University
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