[R] matlab style of storing arrays compared to R

Rainer M Krug r.m.krug at gmail.com
Fri Nov 21 09:41:12 CET 2008


I am trying to figure out, if the matlab style of linear indexing of
an array is the same as in R. i.e.


x <- array( 1:24, dim=c(2,3,4) )
> 3

and if the same is true in matlab, assuming that
x[n1,n2,n3] in R returns the same as  y(n1,n2,n3) when  y is a matrix in matlab

I found the following reference

And it seems to be the same, but another source says it is different.
Could somebody confirm, if it is the same?



Rainer M. Krug, PhD (Conservation Ecology, SUN), MSc (Conservation
Biology, UCT), Dipl. Phys. (Germany)

Centre of Excellence for Invasion Biology
Faculty of Science
Natural Sciences Building
Private Bag X1
University of Stellenbosch
Matieland 7602
South Africa

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