[R] simplify this instruction

Wacek Kusnierczyk Waclaw.Marcin.Kusnierczyk at idi.ntnu.no
Thu Nov 20 10:08:23 CET 2008

Rolf Turner wrote:
> The issue worrying Wacek was presumably the fact that
> the original poster was treating the ``B'' variable as
> being character, rather than numeric.
> So (presumably) what he *really* wanted to say was
> (something like)
> ifelse(B%in%as.character(0:9),"A","B")


> Of course this is sheer pedantry.  

thanks, you're so reliable.

> I'm sure the original poster
> was really concerned with a numeric variable and used the quote
> marks around the digits out of confusion over what was required.
> (Some misguided subconscious notion to the effect that to get character
> output you need character input.)

in any case, the version you propose should do the job.


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