[R] getting "small" graphs with Sweave using Rnews.sty

Jeff Hamann jeff.hamann at forestinformatics.com
Tue Nov 4 03:55:05 CET 2008

I'm sorry for having to post this, but I can't seem to find any 
solutions to this, which seems pretty simple, but then again...

I've started playing with the example r news project and wanted to start 
adding some graphs, but replacing:

\framebox[\textwidth]{\hfill \raisebox{-.45in}{\rule{0in}{1in}}
                       A graph goes here \hfill}
A normal figure only occupies one column.}

yields a an empty box, which is good, with the following:

plot( rnorm( 100 ) )
\caption{A normal figure only occupies one column.}

which isn't good, or at least yields a "normal sized" graph that starts 
in the second column, when I run Sweave( "yourarticle.rnw" ) and the 
pdflatex wrapper

Is it possible, to get a "small" graphic this way, or should I write
out a temp graph as a pdf and include the graphic by constructing the
statement using Sweave?

Thanks for any advice,

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