[R] inconsistent output when using variable substitution
Robert Felty
robfelty at indiana.edu
Sat May 31 00:31:48 CEST 2008
Duncan, Mark, et al.,
> It's a scoping problem. To be helpful, subset looks up variables within
> the dataframe first. Since it can find Subj there, that's the one it
> uses in the test.
> The easiest solution is just to make sure that Subj is named something
> that isn't a column of Trials, e.g. localSubj. Then you could use
> subset(Trials, Subj == localSubj[1])
This works perfectly, as does
> thisSubj <- Trials[Trials$Subj == Subj[1], ]
I had tried the latter method awhile ago when I was first learning, but I had
been missing the final comma, and had come to the conclusion that this method
only worked when selecting a particular column of a data frame. Now I know
better. Thanks so much for everyone's help. I am very impressed by the R
Robert Felty
"nunc est bibendum"
-- Horace, Ode 37
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