[R] library(Matrix) and image() colors?

Deepayan Sarkar deepayan.sarkar at gmail.com
Wed May 28 23:42:09 CEST 2008

On 5/28/08, jgarcia at ija.csic.es <jgarcia at ija.csic.es> wrote:
> Hi,
>  I'm trying to produce a plot of an image of a Matrix, but I don't get
>  other colors than the default grey scale:
>  > image(Matrix(topo.matrix.2),col.regions=topo.colors(100),colorkey=FALSE)
>  this still is plotted in grey.
>  Is there any mistake in my syntax?

Not sure what the problem is, but although the first call does not
work, the second one does:

image(Matrix(volcano), col.regions = topo.colors(100), colorkey = TRUE)

image(as(Matrix(volcano), "sparseMatrix"),
      col.regions = topo.colors(100), colorkey = TRUE)


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