[R] confidence interval for the logit - predict.glm

Christine Sonvilla csonvilla at gmx.at
Wed May 28 13:19:41 CEST 2008

Hello all,

I've come across an online posting 

that described how to get confidence intervals for predicted values from predict.glm. These instructions were meant for S-Plus. Yet, it generally seems to work with R too, but I am encountering some problems. I am explaining my procedure in the following and would be most grateful if anyone could reply to me on that.

I have run glm models to predict fish species from a number of environmental predictors, using a stepwise approach (I am aware that there is some controversy going on about this). I have got a data set that is called "testfishes.txt", "predy.txt" contains the predictors for the testfishes only and "predallx.txt" contains all predictors for all planning units. 

I used the following commands: "stepmodfi" is the output of the stepwise approach

predictionlogit <- predict(stepmodfi, predallx, type="link", se.fit=TRUE)

upperlogit <- predictionlogit$fit + 2*predictionlogit$se.fit
lowerlogit <- predictionlogit$fit - 2*predictionlogit$se.fit

upperresponse[,i] <- exp(upperlogit)/(1+exp(upperlogit))
lowerresponse[,i] <- exp(lowerlogit)/(1+exp(lowerlogit))

predictionresponse <- predict(stepmodfi, predallx, type="response", se.fit=FALSE)
fishoccur[,i] <- predictionresponse

type="link" should be the equivalent to the S-Plus version of type="1", which was indicated in the online posting explaining this procedure.

So I first tried to get predictions on the logit scale and there is already the point where I am a bit bewildered. Predictionlogit would only result in ONE value for every single planning unit contained in predallx.txt, when actually I would assume that there would be "planning unit times fishes" predicted values - at least this is what I get from predictionresponse. 
Predictionresponse generates as many predicted values as there are planning units times fishes (1680 planning units x 205 fish species, whihc are predicted over all these planning units), which I put into a constructed matrix named "fishoccur".
In fact this is what I did in the very beginning, generating predicted values with the command predictionresponse <- predict(stepmodfi, predallx, type="response", se.fit=FALSE).
Then I wanted to construct confidence intervals around these values.
Therefore I first generated the logit predicted values, but that already is the point I am unsure about.

The problem in fact is, that quite some of my upper values of the confidence interval result in NAs. The lower interval seems fine. Yet, I am not even sure if my approach is correct, regarding this single value that is being produced by the prediction on the logit scale.

I hope that my descriptions were clear enough and would greatly appreciate if anyone could suggest how to tackle this, whether the approach itself is fine (which I believe indeed) and how to get proper lower and upper confidence values.

Many thanks in advance!


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