[R] Spatial Overlay - SQL - Geoprocessing

Roger Bivand Roger.Bivand at nhh.no
Sat May 24 14:59:40 CEST 2008

Paulo Cardoso <pecardoso <at> netcabo.pt> writes:

> Can we by any change perform in R something similar geoprocessing or, more
> advanced, Spatial SQL over vectorial data?

Please visit the Spatial task view on your nearest CRAN mirror, which gives some
details of useful resources. Consider using the R-sig-geo list to follow up
this question.

You can do SQL selection on some external data sources using OGR mechanisms 
in the rgdal package, but I think that you will find that careful design of 
your workflow will show what needs to be done using GIS jargon (like 
geoprocessing), and what can be conveniently done using R functions, 
classes and methods. Try not to look for exact equivalents, but sketch 
the workflow to exploit what R is good at.


> Paulo

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