[R] drawing lines in 3D (rotating them)
cgenolin at u-paris10.fr
cgenolin at u-paris10.fr
Tue May 20 22:19:16 CEST 2008
Hi the list,
I write a short function to draw lines in 3D, showing then turning.
At some point, I add "delais" to slow down the rotation.
So two questions:
1) I try to find a library to draw animate lines in 3D but I did not
find. That surprise me since it is very simple to do. Did I forget to
look somewhere ?
If it does not exists and I have to use my own function :
2) Is it possible to use the time wasted in delais for some calculous ?
In other word, can I run some calculous during a certain amount of
time, then drawing a plot, then calculous then plot...
3) Is there a way to end the rotation less violant than Esc ?
Thanks for your help.
Here is my code :
----- 8< ---------------------------
data <- array(c(13,14,13,15, 14,15,16,15, 16,17,16,18 , 45,46,85,59,
43,58,70,56, 45,75,65,65),
plot3Dlines <- function(x,y,mean=TRUE,angle=20,delais=100000,color,...){
time <- 1:dim(x)[[2]]
var1 <- seq(min(x[,,1],na.rm=TRUE),max(x[,,1],na.rm=TRUE),length.out=11)
var2 <- matrix(NA,length(time),length(var1))#outer(x, y, NA)
var2[1,1] <- min(x[,,2],na.rm=TRUE)
var2[length(time),length(var1)] <- max(x[,,2],na.rm=TRUE)
res <- persp(x=time, y=var1, z=var2, theta = angle,
phi = 10, expand = 0.5, col = "lightblue",
ltheta = 120, shade = 0.75, ticktype = "detailed",
xlab = "time", ylab = "var1", zlab = "var2")
angle <- angle+1
for(i in 1:nbLines){
lines (trans3d(time, yy, zz, pmat = res),col=color[i])
for(k in 1:delais){}
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