[R] R syntax, space smaller than space

Torsten Wiebke twiebke at arcor.de
Tue May 20 12:52:52 CEST 2008

does nobody have an answer?
> I changed something in the package "climatol" especially in the
> function "diagwl". Dos anybody know where I can put the code in the
> Internet to discuss it?
I put it to: http://de.pastebin.ca/1023676
It would be kind if someone can have a look what is to make better.

Pleas give me a hint where I can search to answer this questions:
> But "mtext(paste(round(mean(tm*10))/10, ' °', "C ",round(sum(p)),"
> mm",sep="")" makes the ° and the C very short together. There is no
> space. How can I fill a space in there which is smaller as a normal
> space?
> Also I made more transparency in the  colours with: 
> sfcol= rgb(0, 0, 0,alpha =0.2)
> Is there a possibility to safe the diagram as *png (because of the
> transparancy) ?
Or an other format. 
I want to put it in an LaTeX file. With the pdf output I have to burst
it in two pages and to experiment with the "trim" function of the
includegraphicx package (\includegraphics[%
trim= 270 280 200 200,
]{../FotosBilder/Bilder/Klimadig/angermuendeklidig}) Is there a
possibility to get only one pdf page only with the graphick, bet is
that textwidth the same as picturwidth is.
Torsten Wiebke

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	torstenwiebke at jabber.ccc.de
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