[R] Opening more than 1 R console in Windows
Charles Plessy
charles-r-nospam at plessy.org
Mon May 19 09:02:40 CEST 2008
Le Mon, May 19, 2008 at 07:39:11AM +0100, Prof Brian Ripley a écrit :
> On Sun, 18 May 2008, Anh Tran wrote:
> >
> >I recently found out that R does not utilize fully the Duo Core capability
> >when you only run one instance of R.
> How surprising was that? Do you have any programs that do? Very few
> Windows programs make effective use of multiple CPUs, and of those that
> do, they do not do so for the sort of tasks R is running routinely.
actually, when I was (wrongly) plotting a 1,500,000 × 8 data frame and
had problems because the plot window was redrawn very frequently, I
wondered whether this would be one task that could be given to a separate
CPU than the one that deals with the command line interface of R. Do you
think that it would be possible?
Best regards,
Charles Plessy
Wakō, Saitama, Japan
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