[R] aggregate(), with multiple functions in FUN?

Mike ! mc510 at hotmail.com
Fri May 16 16:18:07 CEST 2008

I've got a data frame having numerical data by zip code:

ZIP         DATA
94111     12135.545
93105     321354.65654
94111     545.555
94706     558858.66
...           ...

I'm using this function to group records by ZIP and calculate the median of DATA:

aggregate(d$DATA, list(Zip = d$ZIP), FUN=median, na.rm=T)

but what I really want to do is to calculate several statistics (median, mean, etc.) for each group of records, so that I'll get a result organized like:

Zip       median(DATA)    mean(DATA)
94706   565                    555
94111   59585                 66666
93105   595685               5555666

I tried using FUN=funstofun(median,mean), but found that doesn't work in aggregate.  Is there a straightforward way to do what I'm after (I'm pretty new to R)?  thanks
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