[R] Font settings in xfig

Scionforbai scionforbai at gmail.com
Fri May 16 14:56:57 CEST 2008

> Is there a reason you are going through this route to get figures
> into LaTeX instead of using postscript (or PDF for pdflatex)?

To have LaTeX-formatted text printed onto your pdf figures, to include
in LaTeX documents.

R cannot output 'special' text in xfig. You need to post-process the
.fig file, according to the fig format
(http://www.xfig.org/userman/fig-format.html), replacing, on lines
starting with '4', the correct values for font and font_flags. Using
awk (assuming you work on Linux) this is straightforward :

awk '$1==4{$6=0;$9=2}{print}' R_FILE.fig > OUT.fig

Then, in order to obtain a pdf figure with LaTeX-formatted text, you
need a simple driver.tex:

driver.tex :

\usepackage{color} %(note: you might not might not need to do this)

Now you can go through the compilation:

fig2dev -L pstex OUT.fig > OUT.pstex
fig2dev -L pstex_t -p OUT.pstex OUT.fig > OUT.pstex_t
sed s/FILE/"OUT"/ driver.tex > ./OUT.tex
latex OUT.tex
dvips -E OUT.dvi -o OUT.eps
epstopdf OUT.eps

Of course you need R to write the correct Latex math strings (like $\sigma^2$).
Hope this helps,


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