[R] lw in legend also changes thickness of characters in the legend??

Deepayan Sarkar deepayan.sarkar at gmail.com
Thu May 15 00:59:29 CEST 2008

On 5/14/08, Levi Waldron <leviwaldron at gmail.com> wrote:
> Here's a simple example:
>  x <- 1:5
>  plot(x,x^2)
>  lines(x,x^2)
>  points(x,x,cex=2)
>  lines(x,x,lw=3)
>  legend("topleft",legend=c("y=x^2","y=x"),pch=1,pt.cex=1:2,lw=c(1,3))
>  The thickness of the circles in the legend changes with lw.  If you change
>  the lw argument in legend to lw=c(1,1) then the thickness of the circles
>  goes back to normal.  How can I make the above legend so that both the lines
>  and the plotting characters match what is in the graph?

?legend is quite explicit about this:

  pt.lwd: line width for the points, defaults to the one for lines, or
          if that is not set, to 'par("lwd")'.


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